JFR Construction (F/K/A Bruce L. Jones Contractor Company) produces the highest quality turnkey packages in the area. From residential to commercial projects, along with our highly skilled framers and subcontractors, we can take any project from blueprints through to completion in a fast and efficient manner.
Our very flexible plant builds the wall panels on up to 5 panel lines with teams of 3 experienced builders on each line. Our plant can produce an average of 12000 lineal feet of panels each week. This allows us to have an extremely fast turnaround time, from design to delivery. It also allows us to make sure that all projects stay ahead of schedule.
Our wall panels are designed to meet or exceed all architectural and structural designs. We incorporate all sheathing blocking, wall ties, plumbing accesses, and nailers for tubs and showers. Along with all bearing posts to match floor and roof girder truss locations. Our facility can handle any size or shape wall.
All posts, headers, jacks and wall ties are pre-built and packaged per stack of walls. This allows for the flexibility to produce stacks on multiple lines, of the same job, or mix multiple jobs over multiple lines.
We love answering questions and guiding our customers toward the right solution for their specific needs. Give us
a call or submit the form below to get in touch with us!