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5 Factors to Consider When Ordering Custom Crates

Wooden Case

When you need a custom crate, your packaging supplier can design a solution according to your specific needs. Still, the crate is only one piece of the overall unit load design. There are many “environmental” elements that need to fit together to make sure you’re moving your product in the most safe and efficient way. They have to be considered as a whole; no one element is more important than the others.

While every situation is different, there are some common factors to take into consideration when ordering a custom crate:


  • What sort of room do you have to store your products?
  • How big are your products, and how much space do they need?
  • How much space do you have when shipping your products?


  • How are you moving your products? On a truck? In a sea container?
  • How dry does the product have to be, and how dry does the wood have to be?


  • How strong does the crate have to be to protect your product?
  • What kind of materials can be used to make the crate? Do you need kiln-dried wood, or will corrugated packaging do?

Unit Load

  • How does your product interact with the crate?
  • How does the unit load move from packaging to transportation?

Life Cycle

  • Are you going to get your crates back? Should you invest more upfront and make them stronger and more durable, or are they going to be disposable?

When designing custom crates, your supplier will consider your overall needs and tailor a solution accordingly. Custom crates are safe, strong, and practical, because they fit your specific guidelines.

Properly designed custom crates prevent issues that you may not have foreseen.

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