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10 Products That Need Custom Crating Solutions

empty wooden crate

The custom crating market is growing rapidly as companies discover the benefits of ordering custom pallets and crates in which to ship their goods. The standard pallet is very well suited to some industries and can be effectively used to ship goods such as boxes of grocery items and bags of concrete. But not all products can be shipped safely on the standard 48 x 40″ pallet. Items that are too big, heavy or fragile need custom pallets and crates that are specifically designed and manufactured to meet those special needs.

10 Excellent Uses of Custom Crating

First, let’s explore the general criteria that make custom pallets and crates the best option for a company.

  • Products that do not fit on a standard pallet. Before we go into specifics, it is important to recognize that any product that is too large to fit on a standard pallet can have a custom pallet or crate designed for it. Standard pallets are 48 x 40″, so if the product you are shipping is larger than that, custom crating is a good option.
  • Heavy products that need extra support. Standard pallets are very strong. Most pallets can carry a load of 2,205 lbs, or 1000 kg. If your load exceeds the weight limit recommended for standard pallet options, then you need a custom design that will guarantee the safety or your goods and workers.
  • Warehouse space optimization. Sometimes it is not the product that makes custom pallets or crates an ideal choice, but how they will fit into warehouse and shipping containers. If you want to optimize your warehouse space, the standard pallet may not be the best option. A custom pallet or crate can help you make the most of the area available.

There are a myriad of examples of industries that use custom crates to meet their needs. The following examples illustrate a range of these uses.

  • Farm equipment, such as cattle or poultry feeders. Farm equipment tends to be very large and very heavy, often times constructed of stainless steel. Custom crating can be built for these specifications, so that equipment is protected during shipment and can be loaded and unloaded safely.
  • Food industry equipment, such as industrial stoves and ovens. These items are often shipped in wooden packaging, specifically in knockdown crates. The crate is made and delivered in six pieces – the base, four sides, and the top. The equipment is placed on the base and then the sides are positioned around it, followed by the top. The whole thing is then stretch wrapped and shipped.
  • Large compressors. Big compressors require sturdy crating. Custom designs may include multiple pieces that are bolted together.
  • Truck engines. These large and heavy engines require custom crates that allow them to be lowered into the unit. These crates must be designed to withstand very heavy loads and may even come with a sling that suspends the engine in the crate.
  • Plastic chairs. Not all custom crating is done for heavy loads. Companies that make plastic chairs that stack and interlock have found it beneficial to have a custom designed pallet made to ship this slightly awkward load.
  • Printing rollers for presses. These items are generally shipped in custom wood crates to ensure they reach their destination undamaged.
  • Military supplies. The military ships things all over the world and requires custom crating for everything from munitions to tanks to medical supplies.

Custom crating is crucial to companies who must ship items that are not suited to the standard pallet. They may still be considered a commodity item, but the market for them is growing as industries realize the benefits provided by manufacturers who can design and construct crates that meet all of their needs.

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